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A global perspective on plagiarism

에디티지 인사이트 | 2014년3월4일 | 조회수 824,650

In this 14-minute video interview, Dr. Bruce DancikEditor-in-Chief of NRC Research Press/Canadian Science Publishing, and Professor Emeritus of the Dept. of Renewable Resources, University of Albertadiscusses the ramifications of direct and unintentional plagiarism and the use of plagiarism detection software by journals. Dr. Dancik explains how authors from non-English speaking countries are likely to fall prey to plagiarism due to their inability to express themselves in English and suggests the best ways to avoid plagiarism.

This video is part of an interview series in which Dr. Bruce P. Dancik speaks to Donald Samulack, President, US Operations, Editage, Cactus Communications, at the 54th Annual Meet of the Council of Science Editors, held in Maryland, Baltimore, from April 29 through May 3, 2011.

For more information on unintentional plagiarism, see this video on how to avoid accidental plagiarism and read this article about the extent to which journals rely on plagiarism detection software.



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