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Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Pharmaceutics

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2014년 08월 27일
Average: 1.6
Samir Mitragotri, a chemical engineer at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and his team demonstrated the use of ionic liquid salts in liquid form in treating skin infections. by killing bacteria and aiding antibiotics in penetrating the skin’s outer layer. Ionic liquids are salts—... 자세히보기
2014년 08월 21일
Average: 1.8
TKM-Marburg, a drug developed by pharmaceutical company Tekmira in Burnaby, Canada, proved effective in curing monkeys infected with Marburg virus, which is closely related to Ebola. The medicine worked even when it was administered days after the animals were infected, which according to the study... 자세히보기

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