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2014년 01월 17일
주제 Physics | 조회수 19,529
Average: 1.8
Most light-gathering macromolecules are composed of chromophores attached to proteins, which capture sunlight. Previous studies have suggested that energy thus transferred is in a wave-like manner,...
2014년 01월 17일
주제 Plant and Animal Science | 조회수 7,740
Average: 2
The discovery of pelves and a partial pelvic fin from Tiktaalik roseae, a 375 million-year-old transitional species between fish and the first legged animals, reveals that hind legs actually evolved...
2013년 12월 31일
주제 Plant and Animal Science | 조회수 7,140
Average: 2
A long-term study has shown that infant lemurs born to older mothers are less likely to get hurt than those born to younger mothers. The findings are based on an analysis of medical records for more...
2013년 12월 30일
주제 Chemistry and Materials Science | 조회수 8,090
Average: 1.6
In a study that challenges the fundamental rules of classical chemistry, W. Zhang et al. have published their predictions and experiments on compressing sodium chloride (under 200,000 atm) to form...
2013년 12월 24일
주제 Environmental Science and Energy | 조회수 7,402
Average: 1.7
climate change
A recent study has shown that the need to be rewarded immediately is an obstacle in efforts to halt the effects of climate change. Using a collective-risk group experiment, the researchers found that...
2013년 12월 19일
주제 Physics | 조회수 8,395
Average: 1.9
When a solid object like a rubber ball is compressed onto a solid surface, it retains its original form when decompressed. In contrast, a water droplet’s contact angle with the surface irreversibly...
2013년 12월 18일
Average: 2
Scientists have found a way to mathematically explain the severity and timing of human confrontations. This mathematical expression, called a “power law,” can be used to describe universal...
2013년 12월 11일
주제 Medicine, Health, and Nursing | 조회수 7,986
Average: 2
A wide range of human diseases is caused by gene mutations, which result in misfolded protein molecules. Medical treatments can't correct this. But researchers have now demonstrated in mice what...
2013년 12월 09일
주제 Plant and Animal Science | 조회수 33,537
Average: 2
Polyandry among animals
Validating the recent finding that females in the animal kingdom are polyandrous, researchers have found that female fire salamanders mate with several males. What’s novel about this discovery,...
2013년 12월 03일
주제 Chemistry and Materials Science | 조회수 9,184
Average: 1.7
Molecules existing in two spatial configurations that are mirror images of one another are said to be “chiral.” Thus far, the chirality of molecules in the gaseous state has not been measured. In a...


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