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Funding available for Chinese scholars

샤지아 카남 | 2013년10월21일 | 조회수 14,665

An earlier post discussed a list of grants available to Chinese researchers. Here are some other prestigious grants that are awarded to Chinese researchers every year. This list includes a special grant for researchers who have studied in the UK and who would like to recommence their research career after a break of a few years.

1. Wellcome Trust Research Career Re-entry Fellowships in Basic Biomedical Science

About the grant: This scheme is for postdoctoral scientists who have recently decided to restart a scientific research career after a continuous break of at least two years. The fellowship is particularly suitable for applicants wishing to return to research after a break for family commitments. The fellowship program runs for two to four years and may be taken up on a full-time or part-time basis.

Deadline for preliminary applications: 20 May 2013. The details of the application process can be found here.

Who is eligible? You are eligible even if you are not a UK national. However, you should hold a PhD or other relevant degree from a university in the UK or Republic of Ireland. You should be a research scientist with at least two years' postdoctoral experience and you must have an eligible sponsoring laboratory in the UK. 

Grant/fund amount: The fellowship includes the salary and research expenses (materials and consumables, animals, travel to attend scientific meetings, fieldwork and data collection).

2. Senior Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine

About the grant: This scheme supports outstanding researchers from low- and middle-income countries (including China) to establish themselves as leading investigators at an academic institution in any of these countries. This fellowship is aimed at building sustainable capacity in areas of research that have the potential for increasing health benefits for people and their livestock in low- and middle-income countries.

Deadline for preliminary applications: 10 May 2013 (Apply quickly! J). The details of the application process can be found here.

Who is eligible? Candidates should be working on infectious and non-communicable diseases within the fields of public health and tropical medicine, with an objective of understanding and controlling diseases. Researchers with a PhD degree and at least five years' postdoctoral experience, or medical graduates who are recognized as specialists within a relevant research area and have at least five years' research experience are eligible.

Grant/fund amount: Fellowships are for up to five years and include basic salary, research expenses, training costs, and support to attend scientific meetings.

3. CAS-DAAD scholarship program

About the grant: This grant enables young Chinese scientists to conduct research in Germany for a period of 1-2 years.

Deadline: The selection meeting usually takes place in June/July in Beijing. All information regarding the application procedure and deadlines can be obtained from the Beijing Branch Office (Email:

Who is eligible? Researchers from the institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the University of Science and Technology of China

Grant/fund amount: Funding is typically for 12–22 months. Fellows having a Ph.D. degree will receive a monthly scholarship of EUR 1000.

4. Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program

About the grant: The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program provides grants to approximately 850 foreign scholars from over 100 countries to conduct post-doctoral research at U.S. institutions from an academic semester to a full academic year. 

Date of announcement: All information regarding the application procedure, deadlines and monthly stipend can be obtained from the Division of Study Abroad China Scholarship Council (E-mail:; Phone: +86 (10) 6609-3957).

Who is eligible? Applicants must have a doctoral degree or equivalent professional training at the time of application. They should also have sufficient proficiency in the English language to carry out the project.


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